Environmental Policy

Conteg is certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2004.  We have embraced these recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of all our processes, services and products, in both the production stage, and throughout the life expectancy of our products.  This commitment is represented in our environmental policy, which has been integrated with our quality policy since 2006.

Minimizing negative impacts on the environment, is an ongoing goal, particularly in the areas below:

  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Soil pollution and contamination
  • Waste management - minimization of waste formation
  • Use of natural resources (energy, raw materials, materials & semi-finished products)
  • Environment and working environment concerning production of heat, noise, smell, dust, vibrations, radiation, etc.
  • Threats to safety
  • Other specific effects on the environment

In the area of the environmental protection we evaluate our environmental policy annually; we specify measurable objectives for individual departments of our company, we continually measure and monitor to ensure these objectives are fulfilled. In the event of failure to meet the environmental objectives, measures to remedy them are introduced which identify and correct the cause and aim to prevent the reccurrence of negative environmental impacts.



ISO 14001:2015

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