Mobile Data Center

Mobile Data Center

A mobile data center, sometimes also called containerized data center, holds the complete technological infrastructure of a classic data center, but is located in a steel container. These data centers have seen a recent upswing in popularity as an alternative to traditional data centers due to the many advantages they bring. The main benefit is shorter implementation time with significantly lower legal burden, modularity and flexibility of the place of installation and ease of mobility. CONTEG provides comprehensive delivery of mobile data centers in the full spectrum of required ICT capacities.

Usage areas of mobile data centers:

  • Telecommunication sector (e.g. base stations, local ISPs and TV service providers)
  • Industry (e.g. production and logistics halls, extractive and mining industry)
  • Army sector (e.g. test missions or international missions)
  • Research and development (e.g. universities, development and testing centers)
  • Emergency situations (e.g. natural disasters, blackouts)


Basic technological systems of a mobile data center:

Napájenípower supply, including UPS


fyzická bezpečnostfire protection and physical security

monitoringmonitoring and management

síťová ICTnetwork and ICT infrastructure


IT racks

  • Highly durable, fully welded structure
  • Flexible cable management system
  • Up to 15 racks = 630 U positions
  • Standard 19" design for mounting ICT devices
  • Width: 600 mm / 800 mm, depth: 1000 mm
  • Load capacity of up to 1500 kg/rack



  • Steel hot-dip galvanized weldment made of bent profiles with heat insulation
  • Self-supporting construction facilitates fitting and transport
  • Made for easy fitting of external cooling units – quick installation and commissioning
  • Steel fire doors with option to install three-point locking
  • Protection against weather conditions, damage or thef


Fire Safety

  • Protection of personnel and technologies
  • Strict fire detection through two independent detection systems
  • Autonomous fire-extinguishing system with FK-5-1-12 extinguishing agent – container interior fills with extinguishing agent in case of fire
  • Optional hypoxic air fire prevention system – 100 % elimination of risk of fire

Physical security

  • Protection of indoor and outdoor environments against unauthorized personnel
  • IP camera system with option to store recordings (CCTV)
  • Electronic access control system (EAC)
  • Security alarm system (SAS)


  • Ensures suitable indoor climate for safe operation of ICT devices
  • Unique cooling solution takes up no floor space
  • High-efficiency and high-performance CoolTop cooling units in DX or CW design
  • Redundant solution with high accessibility (N+1 minimum)


Power Supply

  • Ensures distribution of power to all critical and non-critical installed technologies
  • Topology designed based on requirements on functionality and accessibility of installed technologies
  • UPSs ensure uninterrupted power supply to all critical technologies
  • Option to connect an external generator engine


  • up to 100 kW ICT input power
  • up to 10 kW/IT rack

Structured Cabling System

  • pre-connectorized system with high number of ports
  • optic elements in OM3 or OM4 standard
  • metallic elements with a minimum of CAT6


  • Collection, transmission and archiving of monitored parameters and events in installed technologies
  • Monitoring of non-ICT devices (power supply, cooling, security and fire extinguishing systems, etc.)
  • Environmental monitoring (temperature, humidity, leaks, etc.)
  • Visualization of information onto a remote workstation or through a mobile application
  • Option to send data by e-mail or SMS


Where to buy
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