Mobile Data Center

Mobile Data Center

Our range of data center solutions is expanded by  

Containerized data centers

that holds the complete technological infrastructure of a classic data center, but is located in a steel container.

Usage areas of mobile data centers:

  • Telecommunication sector (e.g. base stations, local ISPs and TV service providers)
  • Industry (e.g. production and logistics halls, extractive and mining industry)
  • Army sector (e.g. test missions or international missions)
  • Research and development (e.g. universities, development and testing centers)
  • Emergency situations (e.g. natural disasters, blackouts)

Basic technological systems of a mobile data center:

Napájenípower supply, including UPS


fyzická bezpečnostfire protection and physical security

monitoringmonitoring and management

síťová ICTnetwork and ICT infrastructure


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